Were you Adopted and/or Seeking Biological Family?
I can help using Genetic Genealogy.
What is Genetic Genealogy? It is using DNA tests to find relationships among DNA matches. This allows families to find distant family members: living or dead. This allows adoptees to find birth parents. It even allows cold murder cases to be solved.

How does it work?
When you upload your DNA kit to a search engine such as GedMatch, I am able to see people that share genes with you. The amount of shared genes (centimorgans) gives me an idea of how close or distant they are to you on a family tree. By building a family tree I can track down a deceased or living relative you may be looking for.
Connecting Relationships
Did you know you have living distant cousins that could be living in your same city? Did you know you can make friends with your distant family from across the globe? The best part is, these cousins might have known your ancestors, have a photograph of your great-grandfather you’ve never seen or have your great-great-grandmother’s crotched blanket. I can help you find your living cousins through DNA Testing and navigate social media to connect.
You may have questions about an adoptee in your family or maybe someone you have always had questions about their genetic relationship in your family tree. Whether they are living or not, you share (or don’t share!) their DNA and I can find answers..
I have solved cases regarding unknown fathers, mothers, grandparents, siblings, and children of sperm donors both nationally and internationally.
Grandchildren of Deceased Adoptee Finds Birth Parents
After a grandmother did not want to know who her biological birth parents were and she passed away, her grandchildren assumed they would never know 1/4 of their DNA heritage. They were not interested in connected to their grandmother’s biological family but rather simply interested in the story, Christy successfully used Genetic Genealogy to find DNA matches and discover her biological parents and story of their adopted grandmother.
“She solved a big family mystery I’d wondered about my whole life in a matter of days! She found photos and stories. It was the photos that blew me away and confirmed her findings. I treasure this information and am beyond grateful for her expertise and sensitivity that led me to more completely understand my heritage and the circumstances and events that led to the creation of my family.”
Young Mom Connects With Family of Her Beloved Neighbor
Kelsey grew up in a small down in Texas and lived next door to an elderly neighbor that helped raise her. She was most cherished and loved. After she passed away in 1998, for decades Kelsey had felt the strong pull to find her living family to connect with them. She could not find them. After 2 hours of genetic genealogy, Christy found her neighbor’s living sisters and they reconnected with tears of joy after many years of searching.
“I had been searching and searching to reconnect with the family of my sweet neighbor that was a grandmother to me. Christy found a phone number that connected me with her sisters. I called and we all cried tears of joy! They said ‘you are our grandchild now, too!’ I can’t thank Christy enough for this pivotal moment in my life!”
True Story.
Years ago I found a distant cousin living in Norway. He has helped us understand more about our family and the small fjord we came from. He told us legendary stories of my 2x-great-grandfather we would’ve never known. Since then, my father has gone to Norway and met with him and shared photos and stories. On all my family lines, I am now close friends with distant cousins from Norway, Australia, New York, and Chicago.